In both sacred and secular history we find almost innumerable accounts of people coming together to sing praises to God for benefits bestowed, for victories won; and this is well, for of all mortal shortcomings few are more unworthy than ingratitude. It is well to know and acknowledge that it is God "from whom all blessings flow," and to be grateful for those blessings.

It is not so frequently, however, that we find any record of people coming together to sing and to praise God for blessings not as yet made manifest, victories not yet won. Communities, states, and nations, in anticipation of impending calamity, sometimes seek the Lord in prayer, imploring Him, the unchangeable God, to change His plans and avert their doom; but at a time when complete annihilation seems inevitable, to sing and to praise would seem to many no doubt like the very height of folly. It is true, nevertheless, that such events have happened, and in them there was no semblance of folly.

During the reign of King Jehoshaphat the Moabites and the Ammonites and others joined in an effort to drive the Israelites out of the promised land. In numbers as well as military strength the heathen hordes had every advantage; apparently the Isrealites were completely outclassed. To add to the seeming hopelessness of their case, the inhabitants of Mount Seir also appeared against them. The prayer of Jehoshaphat at this time, as recorded in the twentieth chapter of II Chronicles, when to human wisdom escape seemed impossible, is worthy the most careful study. We may well note its simplicity and observe the absolute dependence upon God, as indicated by the closing words: "For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon thee."

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June 3, 1911

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