Before the year's outing season is over nearly half a million persons will have sought recreation and health in the national forests of the United States.
members of branch churches, we cannot too quickly or too thoroughly awaken to our responsibility and privileges as coworkers in the field of Christian Science, and we can best show our appreciation for our healing and spiritual uplifting by taking an active interest in the work of our church and the healing, liberating progress of Christian Science everywhere.
I, if I be lifted up From sordid thoughts of earth, May drink with him the bitter cup,— Of worldly friends have dearth ; But I shall taste life's richest joy, Sweet peace and truth and love, The all of good, without alloy, And power from above.
The teachings of Christian Science are not what is generally considered to be orthodox, since the latter teaching declares that sickness may be sent by God, so that when material remedies fail death is accepted as divinely ordered.
The world is full of kind-hearted, well-meaning people, who are striving to reform abuses and to help mankind, but it will be generally admitted that the expenditure of energy, thought, and money is out of all proportion to the results achieved.
Jesus said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;" and healing, mentally, morally, and physically, was his work, accomplished through the power of God and not by material remedies.
I read with interest the experiences described in your journal for December, where it was found easier to work with a little girl who came from a home where the parents were Christian Scientists than with one who came from a home where fear was largely in evidence.
Christian Science is the word of God spiritually understood and scientifically demonstrated; it is an exact science because it has rule and Principle for demonstration; it is a Christian Science from the fact that it is the truth ascertained about Christianity as taught and practised by Christ Jesus.
There is a growing sentiment upon the part of the public, and an awakening to indisputable facts, which will in the future preclude the possibility of placing upon our statute-books coercive, restrictive, and arbitrary laws which are introduced simply for the purpose of favoring one class of medical practitioners at the expense of all the rest and which are to the detriment of the general public.
The term "malicious animal magnetism" in Christian Science parlance refers to the human opposite of Christian Science, the mental malpractice which undertakes to ape after Christian Science even as quackery undertakes to follow the practice of the honest physician.
In a recent issue of the Record, a clergyman contributed an article entitled "The Divinity of Christ," in which he took occasion to make a sneering reference to the cures accomplished through Christian Science practice.
seems strange indeed that the part of Jesus' ministry to which public attention was chiefly directed, for we read that wherever he went the multitude thronged about him, eager to share in the blessings so freely bestowed, and that part on which the most stress was laid by the Gospel writers, namely, the healing of the sick, should have gradually passed into decadence and been put aside by later generations as impossible, impracticable, or obsolete.
is no part of the teaching of Christian Science which is of such vital importance as its steady insistence that in reality there is but one Mind, and that God, infinite Love.
Active operations have commenced on the construction of the new Church of Christ, Scientist, which will be erected on the recently acquired lot on Michigan street and Waukazoo avenue, and the first carload of vitrified brick which will enter into the structure has been placed on the ground.
Christian Science has been the only medicine that my two little children and myself have taken for over two years, and I have applied it to every problem that has confronted me.
Christian Science was brought to my attention by a relative who had been wonderfully healed by its ministry, and when she gave me the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," I was almost afraid to read it, for fear it was something that was not orthodox.
It is nearly five years since I first heard of Christian Science—a friend told me of it, and said the reading of the text-book, Science and Health, had healed hundreds of people.
I feel deeply grateful to our heavenly Father, and also to our dear Leader, who has shown us the way out of sin, sickness, and sorrow, to health and happiness.
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