"We have already discovered that the farmer is not getting the exorbitant profits out of the beef he raises," says Secretary Wilson of the Department of Agriculture in discussing the high prices of food supplies.
fair-minded people who are alert to the needs of the human family, as well as to means for its betterment, should be interested in the success of The Christian Science Monitor.
is claimed by many religious teachers that the Scriptures are the only revelation of God to humanity; that the divine Mind is expressed only through the book which we call the Bible.
revelation of the Sabbath as a day of rest seems to be the first law of conduct unfolded to human thought, for in the second chapter of Genesis we read that "God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it;" showing that the consecration of the Sabbath seems to go back to the dawn of human consciousness, for when the Bible was written men were already observing the Sabbath, and it was not a new institution.
Christian Science does not plead in behalf of any form of superstition or irrationality, but it affords a scientific method for uncovering these and a demonstrable method for destroying them.
A leading Wisconsin newspaper, which occasionally lifts up its voice in defense of virtue, which has been known to disparage editorially the influence of light literature on the youth, to decry the white slave traffic, etc.
Our critic seems to be inclined to find fault with me because in my former letter I said that Christianity needs no definition, and he supplies one himself which is purely doctrinal, and would exclude a very large number of sincere followers of the Christ, and I gather that he would deny to Christian Scientists the right to call themselves Christians.
The teachings of Christian Science do not warrant the statement in a symposium article that "the influence of one person's mind over the mind of another person for good is one of the cardinal principles of the Christian Science faith," for Mrs.
In a recent issue your book reviewer makes the statement that "the Christian Science literature abounds in sentences that no human being can understand and in phrases susceptible of various interpretations.
have been asked by one of the members of the board of lectureship to remind the Field that the requests made by this board in its annual circular, which was mailed last summer to the clerks of all the churches and societies advertised in The Christian Science Journal, are based upon the experience of its members, and that strict attention to these requests will greatly simplify the work of the lecturers and save much needless correspondence.
questions are asked by earnest seekers after Truth, as to how they can best gain a practical understanding of Christian Science themselves, and impart it to children, either in their homes or in the Sunday School.
gain attending the spiritual interpretation which Christian Science brings to the Scripture is never more apparent than when one comes to the study of the epigrammatic sayings of Christ Jesus, and a good illustrative instance is found in his seemingly severe rebuke to one who had craved the privilege of delaying his spiritual activity until he had buried his father.
with contributions from Charles H. Gibbs, Alexandrina C. G. Gibbs, Martha H. Gish, William C. Off, Annah T. Norton, Minnie S. Avery, P. McKenzie, David B. Ogden
O trustless heart, that findsThe ghostly phantom evil in thy way,Lift up thine eyes to seeLove's glorious sunshine playAround the terror grim,—And lo, it is not! It was never there,For all that is is Love divine,Love infinite,—the clearLight of thy life,—God's love is everywhere.
That organic disease is being met and destroyed by Christian Science treatment, has been demonstrated to my satisfaction by the prompt and permanent healing, in my own family, of a desperate condition of the eyes; and hoping the story may bring encouragement to some who may be laboring under similar conditions,—as so many of the testimonials in our periodicals have brought and are bringing encouragement and comfort to me,—I am pleased to give particulars of this healing.
Stella Bixby
with contributions from K. A. Uehling
I feel it my duty to acknowledge what Christian Science has done for me, as I had suffered nearly all my life with stomach trouble, and although I had medical treatment for years, I received no relief until I came into Christian Science.
I wish to add my testimony to the many which I have been reading, and I hope it will help some one, even as I have been helped by reading the experiences of others.
James Jaynes
with contributions from Nellie Chatfield
I would like to express my gratitude to God for the benefits I have received through Christian Science, as given to us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
I came to Christian Science in February, 1906, a physical wreck, with absolutely no knowledge of what this Science was; without any faith, and I might say without any hope of benefit.
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with contributions from Charles H. Gibbs, Alexandrina C. G. Gibbs, Martha H. Gish, William C. Off, Annah T. Norton, Minnie S. Avery, P. McKenzie, David B. Ogden