In asking for Christian Science treatment I did not...

In asking for Christian Science treatment I did not realize the great change it would make in my life, as I was looking only for the physical healing, and told the practitioner in a letter I wrote to her—meaning at least to be honest—that I would not promise to do any reading, but wanted the treatment for severe headaches and other ailments with which I had suffered for years. I am often grateful now that she took my case, as I know how much more the spiritual uplifting means than the physical healing, although I have had both bountifully and am daily growing into a more perfect understanding of true health and strength.

The friend who prevailed upon me to have Christian Science treatment, loaned me a copy of the text-book, Science and Health, and with a wish to give Christian Science a fair trial, I began to read, knowing it was supposed to help in the healing process. I kept it up about three days, but did not seem to understand much of what I was reading. Then I decided to start at the beginning again, saying that others had found good in the book, and I could find it too. I began at the Preface, and read the first sentence, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings." At once I remembered that I did have some blessings, and many things to be grateful for. From that time my condition improved, but soon I began to wonder if Christian Science really had helped me much, or if I would have felt better anyway. However, one evening I had a very convincing proof that Christian Science does heal, and quickly too. I had been busy all day during a housecleaning period, and early i the evening collapsed suddenly and had to go to bed. For a couple of hours the pain was very severe; then my husband telephoned the practitioner, and she at once began treatment. In a very few minutes I was lying quietly on the pillow, and in less than half an hour was asleep, waking but once during the night. This was certainly a proof that the "word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword," and such a blessed relief from former experiences under similar conditions, with a long night spent in suffering and in trying the different remedies we believed to be beneficial.

When I asked for Christian Science treatment, I gave up the glasses which I had worn for several years, though the specialist who had performed the operation on the left eye for a muscular trouble, told me I must always use them. It is now three years since my first treatment in Christian Science, and I have never had any occasion to use glasses. Through the understanding I am gaining of the truth as taught in Christian Science, I have been able to make some good demonstrations for myself, one a few weeks ago over a skin trouble on my face. I did not pay much attention to it at first, but when it began to be quite noticeable I realized that I must do some good earnest work. In studying the Lesson-Sermon that morning, I resolved to apply each and every statement to the case, and in realizing that "God is the universal cause, the only creator" (Science and Health, p. 331), the demonstration was made in the one treatment, the effect of the poison was destroyed, and the healing proceeded rapidly.

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Testimony of Healing
Last winter I was taken ill, and had to leave my work...
June 12, 1909

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