The Secretary of the Interior, in his annual report, says that in the General Land Office 29,997,566 acres were disposed of, for which the Government received $9,547,273.
The history of Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of this city is asserted by its members to be more remarkable in point of rapid growth than that of any church in this city.
with contributions from Frank S. Streeter, Irving C. Tomlinson, Carrie B. Wolcott, S. F. Swantess, Inez H. Dabney, Annie Louise Robertson, Gilbert D. Robertson, Arthur Reeves Vosburgh, C. E. Collin, Emily M. Meader
In the 1907 second revised edition of our text-book, Science and Health, some changes have been made in the line numbers since the Quarterly for January, February, March was prepared.
Owing to the increasing business of The Christian Science Publishing Society, no further orders for binding copies of the Journal and Sentinel into volumes will be accepted from individuals, but the Society will continue to sell bound volumes as heretofore.
Having received so much benefit form reading the testimonies published in the periodicals, I very much desire to offer mine in return, hoping that it may be of some interest to others.
It is with deep gratitude to God, and to the dear ones who have so faithfully and patiently helped me, that I desire to tell what Christian Science has done for me.
Physicians had been telling me for some time that I had symptoms of serious kidney trouble, and on May 18, 1906, I was compelled to stop work and go to bed.
I have recently had an experience which seems to me a beautiful illustration of the result of right thinking, as so ably taught by our dear Leader, Mrs.
It is with the greatest pleasure that I tell what Christian Science has done for me, although I feel that words cannot express my gratitude to God, nor to Mrs.
I have been studying Christian Science about ten years, and have received so much help from others' testimonies that I feel impelled to write of an experience which I had recently, hoping it may.
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with contributions from Frank S. Streeter, Irving C. Tomlinson, Carrie B. Wolcott, S. F. Swantess, Inez H. Dabney, Annie Louise Robertson, Gilbert D. Robertson, Arthur Reeves Vosburgh, C. E. Collin, Emily M. Meader