Christian Science has been so much help in our home...

Christian Science has been so much help in our home the last three years that I wish to express my gratitude for it. We had received help from a kind Christian Science neighbor several years before, but after she moved away we thought we did not understand how to help ourselves, so turned again to material means for aid. For several weeks before the birth of my last child I was very nervous, could neither nor sleep. I was overcome with fear, as at childbirth a few years before it was thought necessary to use surgery to save my life. In this hour of need I thought of the help I had received from Christian Science, so my husband found a practitioner, who came and gave me treatment. This was about five in the afternoon and the fear and weakness left me so that I was able to get supper and eat with the family. It was understood that when necessary I should send word to the practitioner to give me absent treatment. About three o'clock the next morning I found that the time had come for the birth, but as I had no fear I only called the doctor. He told me the time had not come, because I had no pain; but I knew there would be no suffering, and soon after, when I was left alone for a few moments, the birth took place without pain or suffering in any way. I felt perfectly able to get up as usual, had it seemed wise to do so.

Since this experience Christian Science has been our only physician for our family of eight. A few months ago several children in our neighbourhood had a fever and were seemingly very sick. Four of ours had the same trouble, but only one was in bed with it, and that for but one day. When we asked for help in Christian Science every symptom was quickly met —destroyed by the realization of the all-power of God, good, and the no-power of evil. Many other ills have been quickly overcome for us. We thank Mrs. Eddy for her work, as we are a better and happier family for knowing through her writings even a little of what God can do for us here and now.—Mrs. W. E. Stiles, San Bernardino, Cal.

I came to Christian Science for healing when all material remedies had failed. I had been a patient in a "nursing home" for fourteen months, physicians diagnosing my case as rheumatic, heart, lung, and nerve troubles, with complications. I had come to the end of my financial resources and was like a rudderless ship on a stormy sea, breaking up on the rocks. About this time I wrote to a friend in Edinburgh, telling him something of my despair, and in his reply he recommended me to try Christian Science, his father having been healed by it. The comforting part of his letter was that it was not required of me to believe in Christian Science if I did not make myself antagonistic to its teachings, and more to please him than in the hope that it would bring the desired health, I resolved to try it. The third day under Christian Science treatment I walked five miles, and at the end of a fortnight I was completely healed. This happened more than a year ago. I have had no return of my old complaints and have been healtheir and happier than I had ever dreamed was possible.

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Testimony of Healing
I am happy, indeed, to express my gratitude for what...
January 18, 1908

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