Passenger rates on all railroads of the United States, says the Chicago Inter-Ocean, will be reduced to two cents a mile. The lowering of the price and the complete abolition of the old three-cent rates will begin July 1. This was the decision reached in Chicago recently after a long discussion by the leading railroad presidents of all the Western and trans-continental roads. Officials of several of the roads admitted that they had been forced to bow to public opinion and anti-railroad legislation. They said that no further fight would be made on the two-cent laws already passed and that the roads would accept the inevitable.

Founded by John Adams, President of the United States, Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass., has indefinitely closed its doors because of lack of funds. Dr. Everett, who has been master of the academy for twentynine years, in presenting the diplomas, said: "If I have not taught you to be men; if I have not taught you to follow the path of honesty and truth, though it leads you to the scaffold; if I have not taught you to be Americans; if I have not taught you that you owe a responsibility to your heavenly Father which you cannot shake off, even though you are alone in the desert, then my time and your time has been wasted."

The Porte has addressed a communication to the American embassy at Constantinople, giving satisfaction in the case of the last outstanding question between the embassy and the Porte and thus removing the objection to America's acceptance of the three per cent customs increase. The question at issue between the United States and Turkey has been the dispute with regard to discriminations practised against American missionary schools in the dominion of the Porte. The contest has dragged on now since 1902.

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July 6, 1907

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