If to have religious views that differ from others is...

Minneapolis (Minn.) News

If to have religious views that differ from others is insanity, we must all tread gently and be cautious lest we violate Jesus injunction, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone." For more than forty years Mrs. Eddy's book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," has been criticised and assailed from every standpoint. its history is its own defense. To those who have attained to the realization of its truths—and they include thousands whose learning and intellectuality cannot be questioned—the gates have opened wide, pouring forth the knowledge that satisfies by reason and logic; but above and beyond this mere food for intellect, its fundamental truths have been the un failing fountain of the spiritual inspiration and uplight that lead to salvation and regeneration; to the joys of Soul and to glimpses of the realization now of the Master's prayer: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." This of itself proves that it can be understood and comprehended, and how much stronger is the proof when we view the marvelous—what some people call miraculous—results in the healing of sickness and redemption from sin that has followed as the fruits of reading and understanding this book.

It is this proof by "signs following" that places Christian Science beyond the pale of mere speculation and wordy argument. Human logic at best is frail and fallible, and what a man thinks is of small consequence before the demand for what he can prove. Christian Science has but one doctrine—the Allness of God, divine Love; it has but one argument—the proof in the healing of sickness and destruction of sin through the power of God. When the fulness of salvation is attained and sin is all destroyed, no one will then controvert the statement that there is no sin. It is admitted that God is supreme, and therefore it follows logically, and Christian Scientists believe, that before the understanding of His supremacy sin and all that is unlike Him must disappear from human consciousness, and their apparent reality vanish into nothingness.

Christian Scientists seek neither to convert nor to proselyte. There is neither endeavor nor attempt to force or urge its claims or doctrines upon any one. They have neither quarrel nor controversy with any other church. faith, or creed. They are seeking to prove the Scriptural commands to the best of their understanding, and defend that understanding, not by words or human argument, but by logical proof in the fruits that result from the demonstration. This they offer as "living waters," the "cup of cold water in Christ's name," to all those who are ready and willing to partake. They find no fault with and have no rebuke for those who disagree with them, being content merely to suggest that we all may follow with profit Jesus' injunction, "Judge not."

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November 9, 1907

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