I have received so much encouragement and benefit from...

I have received so much encouragement and benefit from the reading of the testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal, that I desire to add mine with the hope that it may be of some help to others. For three years previous to my coming into Science I was a constant sufferer from stomach trouble, which caused nervous illness and a complication of diseases. I was under a physician's care constantly. Christian Science was proposed to me but I rejected it, saying it could not heal me. After trying three of our best physicians, I became discouraged and tried osteopathy. After four months constant treatment, I found relief but no cure. I was ordered to take complete rest and plenty of fresh air. I practically lived out of doors that summer and spent much time on the water. I seemed to gain in strength and flesh but still had severe attacks of my old complaints, and was just as careful of my diet as I had always been. I began to lose faith in doctors and medicine. Each doctor differed in opinion as to my condition and each advised different remedies, diets, etc. One would advise certain foods, another would declare those same foods most injurious and advise something entirely different. There seemed to be scarcely any kind of food which I could eat without suffering. Many times I wondered why God put certain fruits and vegetables on earth to hurt us so much when we ate them, and when I made that remark to my doctor he said he had wondered at the same thing.

In September, 1904, my father, who was somewhat interested in Science, again asked me to try it. He said it would not harm me even if it did me no good. This time I stopped to think, and realized the large amount of money that had been spent for doctors and different remedies, and I still seemed anything but well. I went to a practitioner, who treated me and told me to eat what I pleased, and I soon learned that God did not put fruit and vegetables on earth to hurt us, but rather had given man "dominion" over all the earth, and that it was only our fear which caused the suffering; that when the fear was destroyed all pain was gone. My father bought me a copy of Science and Health, and I began reading it at once. My healing was slow but sure.

I was also healed of some bad habits,—not drinking, smoking, etc., but of selfishness, terrific temper; being very exacting, cross, and irritable. These dropped off like an old garment. I scarcely knew when they left me. I was also healed of very severe headaches, supposed to be hereditary, from which I had suffered from childhood. After being a few months in Christian Science I forgot one day to put on my glasses, which I had worn nearly five years, and I have not needed them since. My husband was healed of asthmatic trouble from which he had suffered for years, and for which he came to California, thinking to be helped, but he had found the attacks were as severe here as in Michigan. Since coming into Science he has learned through reading Science and Health that climate does not in any way in affect the real man, that it cannot either cause or cure disease. He also discarded glasses, and his eyesight is better than ever before.

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Testimony of Healing
I first heard of Christian Science almost twelve years...
November 9, 1907

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