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The Building Fund
The progress of the work upon the extension of The Mother Church is such as to require larger payments to be made at this time than at any other since building operations were commenced, and in order that these payments may continue to be made promptly when due, the Treasurer of the Building Fund requests that branch churches, societies, associations, and individuals will largely increase their subscriptions and remit immediately.
The total expenditure for the new building will be within the amount pledged for the purpose at the Annual Meeting in 1902, but a considerable sum is still needed to complete the work, and every Christian Scientist should appoint himself a "committee of one" to see that this money is sent to the Treasurer without delay. Mr. Chase will give notice when a sufficient sum is received, but in the mean time remittances should be prompt and liberal.
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March 24, 1906 issue
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Christian Science and China
Mary Baker Eddy, Sarah Pike Conger, Iac. J. Lossins
After All, Why Not?
Christian Science and the Higher Criticism
Alfred Farlow
Is not the kingdom of heaven at hand? Is not the kingdom...
Albert E. Milier
The Lectures
with contributions from Thomas H. Ball, Cyrus Happy, C. F. Andrews
A Phase of the Publication Committee's Work
Archibald McLellan
"Whose image?"
Unconscious Ministry
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Orissa S. Linnell, Martha B. Sayler, Florence G. Merrow, Amelia Oppenheim
I am very thankful to God for what He has done for me
George J. Hibbard
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the...
Clara S. Ackerson
I would like to add my testimony to the harmony that...
Mabel Laughlin
Through many years of incessant pain and illness, the cry...
Maude M. von Pustau
Under widely varying conditions, physical as well as...
Richard C. Luders
It is only two years since I came from darkness into the...
Mary B. G. Buster
Nearly twenty years ago I was sent away from my home...
Jennie B. Phillips
It is four years since I sought Christian Science for the...
Gertrude L. Eberhardt
Over nine years ago I turned to Christian Science because...
Hester A. Blackman
About twelve years ago a friend spoke to me of Christian Science,...
Harriet E. Morey
I am grateful for all that Christian Science has done for...
Frances Donahue
Seven years ago I was a great sufferer, having sciatica,...
Mary E. Reeves
Christian Science came to me in a time of need
Maud Traer with contributions from J. G. Whittier
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase