A beautiful
water color which hangs on my wall, showing a bit of woodland path in autumn, is more to me than a pleasing picture, for by it I am often reminded that I once groped in darkness, not knowing the true path or how to find it.
claim of sickness or sin is a claim of separation, a belief that man can be separated from God and from that which God gave him; namely, health, harmony, perfection, goodness.
, dear reader, you have looked into many systems of healing, gone to various climates, taken large quantities of medicine, followed much advice for months and years.
I knew that a word of mine,A word not kind and true, Might leave its trace On a loved one's face,I'd never speak harshly, would you?
It should also be remembered that in commissioning his disciples and apostles to "heal the sick," Jesus set no limitation to the forms of disease which could be cured by spiritual means.
we beg our friends of the daily press to exercise the same care in determining the authenticity and news value of articles reflecting upon Christian Scientists that they use in passing upon the merits of other matters coming to them through channels apart from their own recognized and carefully selected avenues of new-gathering.
The promise of future justice never removes the sting of present wrong, and he who seeks to lighten human burdens by such attempted amelioration will be justly judged by the world as practically condoning offences which he ought to condemn.
At this season, when the question of abstinence has a prominent place in popular thought, it may be well to ponder its relation, in the light of Christian Science, to the moral and physical welfare of mankind.
I was brought up under the influence of a church that adhered closely to the literal interpretation of the Bible and the observance of outward form and ceremony in its worship.
It is now nearly five years since I was healed through Christian Science, and during that time I have enjoyed most excellent health without the use of any material remedies.
I came to Christian Science for healing from nervous prostration and dyspepsia, with all their accompanying train of ills, and from a deplorable mental darkness that was "without God and without hope.
When papa and mamma came to Science I was a very little girl, not quite four years old, and was under material treatment for my eyes which, to mortal sense, were badly crossed, and my sight seemed very poor.
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