[Written for the Sentinel.]

"Son, all that I have is Thine."

I SEARCHED long hours for ease from pain,
For health and strength to work again,
And struggled, too, for ease of mind,
A hearty joy in being kind,
For love of all that's good and pure,
For wealth of thoughts that aye endure,
That self might be effaced in me,
And all my thoughts for others be,
Then quick this promise came, Divine,
"All that I have, my son, is thine."

For thee surcease from care and pain,
For thee success on land and main,
For thee all substance, Love, and Life,
For thee the truth with hope is rife.
And so thy thought of fear resign,
Nor fail to yield thy will to mine,
Canst thou still doubt thy Father's plan,
And dare to place thy trust in man?
There is no fear, there is no hate
For God's dear children to debate,
But only, always, Love benign.
"All that I have, my son, is thine."

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The Lectures
February 6, 1904

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