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God does not Kill
Fort Worth (Tex.) Register
God does not kill! Neither by the flashing lightning, the whirling wind, the roaring water, nor the relentless storm. God does not kill with poison, pestilence, plague, famine, or flame; God does not kill with disease or disorder, with heartache, or headache, with vice or with venom. God does not kill anybody, anywhere, or at any time!
The doctrine that God takes away a child to punish or afflict a parent; takes away a husband to humble the wife, or the wife to humble the husband; that God comes into a family, like a besom of destruction, to kill and afflict and sadden; that God ever draws a tear or forces a sigh; that God bankrupts or burdens any one, good or bad—the doctrine of providential affliction and distress and sorrow—this unloving, godless and pitiless doctrine, has its place in the thought of to-day only because it has had the sanction of hoary ages. Not because it is true, or reasonable, or good, or acceptable, or helpful, or hopeful. Not because the Bible, or philosophy, or history, or science would have us believe it. But simply because we have been taught it, and have not had the courage to deny it.
God pities and helps, and guides and leads, and teaches, and hopes for us, but does not destroy us, or hurt us, or hinder us. The theologian may have to teach us opposite thought to harmonize his system of so-called truth, but we know better; and in all justice and fairness let us quit accusing providence of inspiring crime and promoting disease, and encouraging death. If a friend or brother dies, let us look to God for pity and help in our bereavement. Let us not accuse him of killing the loved one—of "removing from our midst, a dear brother."
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July 4, 1903 issue
View Issue-
The Communion and Annual Meeting
with contributions from Septimus J. Hanna, Gertrude Dunmore, Caroline W. Frame, Archibald McLellan, Julia S. Bartlett, William B. Johnson
God does not Kill
with contributions from Charles Kingsley
The Lectures
with contributions from L. C. Fyfe, Alfred Wolcott
The Letter of the Pastor Emeritus
Editor with contributions from M., Mary Baker G. Eddy
Editorial Department
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Emma A. Estes, Julia C. Estes, Mary Brookins
Last Saturday I was taken with a severe cold and sore...
S. Patrick with contributions from Elizabeth K. Rastert
He who was called the beloved disciple writes, "Beloved,...
Fanny Carstarphen Brady
For five long, weary years I was a victim of what the...
Nellie A. Oakes
There is one special verse in the Bible which I early committed...
Mary McGeorge with contributions from Robert B. Thompson
It is now a little over five years since I first heard of...
Lillie Eddelman
One word in regard to the alleged mysticism of Christian Science
A. Willis Paine
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Religious Items
with contributions from Theodore L. Cuyler, I. M. A., Alexander McLaren, Richard M. Vaughan, Maclaren, F. W. Robertson, R. J. Campbell, J. W. Chadwick, James McCosh, Henry Giles