with contributions from ALFRED FARLOW, SALA
weeks ago The Living Church, in an exhaustive article, drew some conclusions in regard to Christian Science which members of that church considered unfair, and in reply to which Alfred Farlow of Boston wrote a communication to the editor of the Episcopalian publication which was not printed.
It is the practical effect of Christian Science made evident in health restored and disease overcome that has first led the great majority of the thousands who profess this teaching to adhere confidently to it in physical as well as spiritual need.
The plan of salvation outlined by Christ Jesus is very simple and includes the recognition of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost, or Comforter; all of these are accepted in their entirety by Christian Scientists, who recognize the fact that Christ is the Saviour of the world, and that only by following in his footsteps is there salvation from either sin, sickness, or death.
Railing at Christian Scientists because they are not doing the most difficult things of their profession at the start is on a par with punishing a child in its first term at school for not writing an essay on philosophy.
The brave man is the elder son of creation, who has stepped buoyantly into his inheritance, while the coward, who is the younger, waiteth patiently until he decease.
One of the largest audiences that have assembled in the Home Theatre recently, greeted Judge Ewing Tuesday night, February 17, and listened with rapt attention to his lecture on Christian Science.
with contributions from HOSEA BALLOU
Consider but this single day's demands,Its dower of work, its wage of smiles and tears!So rich with opportunity it stands!One day, with God, is as a thousand years.
is more and more apparent that the world is not satisfied with time-worn platitudes, but is demanding a religion adapted to its daily need, a religion which is removed as far as possible from purely perfunctory preaching.
an age when things great and small, high and low, are being subjected to microscopic analysis, it is very natural that the question, What is the essential of religion?
A Bill
was recently introduced in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, the purport and aim of which seemed to be the prohibition of the practice of healing by any other methods than those of medicine and surgery.
a heart full of gratitude to Christian Science and to our dear Leader for the many blessings which have come to me and other members of my household, I wish to add my mite to the columns of the Sentinel.
A Statement
that has been made over and over again by my teacher in Christian Science, and which gives much food for thought and expansion, is this: "We are God's mouthpieces.
In January, 1897, we turned from old surroundings where we were in bondage to mortal mind laws, bodily infirmities, and spiritual unrest, from which conditions we had failed to find relief in the promises of mental philosophy, materia medica, and orthodoxy.
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