The Lectures

The Opera House was filled Sunday afternoon, April 6, with an audience of representative people to hear Mr. Edward A. Kimball, C.S.D., of Chicago, lecture on Christian Science. Mr. Kimball held the close attention of his hearers for nearly two hours and in a lucid and logical address presented some of the basic principles of his religion in a way that appealed to all who heard him. No attempt was made by the speaker to persuade or influence any to accept the teachings of Christian Science, but there were few who heard him who were not better for it. It was shown that Christian Science is in entire accord with the Scriptures, upon which it is based, and that the healing which follows the efforts of its adherents is of divine and not human origin. The wide gulf that separates Christian Science from hypnotism, mind cure, and similar mental phenomena was clearly defined. Mr. Kimball can be assured of a warm welcome in Florence, should he return at any time, although this is his second lecture here and the fourth that the Scientists have given to the public of Florence.

After the lecture a number of the Scientists went to their new church building on Second Street, the foundation of which is completed, and without formality of ceremony of any kind, witnessed the placing of the corner-stone.

The Citizen, Florence, Col.

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For Students of the Bible Lessons
May 1, 1902

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