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"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you...
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I began to understand something of the true meaning of this promise about three years ago, and have had many proofs since then that Truth does, indeed, make free. I had never been very strong and had seldom known by experience what really good health was. I had heard of Christian Science for several years, and was not exactly opposed, but never gave it serious consideration. As I look back I can hardly realize that I could have been so blind to my best interests all those years. It was to please a sister that I finally did consent to have Christian Science treatment. She came to see me at the State School in Cold water, where I was employed, and found me in bed, suffering greatly from sciatica and unable to sit up. I had suffered much, and it was such a relief to have her take charge of me, though all were very kind, that I was ready to let her do with me as she thought best. So I was brought to Jackson and a Christian Science practitioner sent for. Words can but feebly express how thankful I have been ever since this step was taken. I began to improve at once, and in less than three weeks was able to attend church. One week later I walked home from church, a distance of more than a mile. I have had no return of rheumatism since, and other troubles have been, some entirely, others partly, overcome; among them weak lungs, severe headaches, extreme nervousness, and indigestion. For a number of years I had been obliged to wear a chamois skin waist, except during the summer, had a serious time with pneumonia, was always afraid of taking cold, and was always taking cold and coughing. Since coming to Jackson I have not worn chamois skin nor taken any medicine, and have been more free from colds than ever before. I was always inclined to look on the dark side of things, but Christian Science is teaching me that worrying implies lack of trust in God, and I am learning to look on the bright side.
I think that I thoroughly appreciate the physical benefit received, but to know by actual demonstration that God is an ever-present help and to know something of that peace which passeth all understanding, I value still more. When I first read Science and Health I did so only because requested to do so by the practitioner. I feel truly grateful that I have been led to seek the truth and my daily prayer is "Lead me in Thy truth and teach me."
H. C. H., Jackson, Mich.
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October 16, 1902 issue
View Issue-
In Answer to a Criticism
Alfred Farlow
Some Objections Answered
Wm. Holman Jennings
The Reasonableness of It
John E. Playter
Sickness not Imaginary
W. D. McCrackan
How Wood Pulp is Transformed into Newspapers
with contributions from Whittier
The Lectures
with contributions from Edward A. Kimball, Edes Smith, Anon
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Thanksgiving Day Service
Unto Whomsoever Much is Given
Unto Whomsoever Much is Given
A Word to the Children
A Word to the Children
In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our...
In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our...
Our Church Edifices
The Arch-Enemy, Discouragement
The Boy in Christian Science
The Only Way
G. E. S.
Among the Churches
with contributions from Miriam C. Blackwell, Julia J. Ricker, Clara Willson Thompson, Elizabeth T. E. Stuyvesant, S. F. S., H. E. W.
I had for years been groping in seeming darkness and...
Electa Anderson
I wish to mention a healing of the morphine habit of...
E. Kate Howell
My husband and I are deaf-mutes
J. P. K.
Religious Items
with contributions from David Starr Jordan, Phillips Brooks, George E. Littlefield, Faber