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Items of Interest
The trustees of the Carnegie Institute have received numerous letters urging them to take up the subject of economics and to make a thorough investigation of the relations between capital and labor, the rate of wages paid in proportion to the unit of work performed, private ownership of natural monopolies, etc.
A series of tests have recently been carried out on the experimental track of the General Electric Company at Schenectady.
At an elevation of about six thousand feet above the sea, on the left of the road to Baalbek, is a group of the noblest specimens of the vegetable kingdom in the East, which are believed to be thousands of years old and the remnant of the far-famed cedars of Lebanon, of which David and Solomon sang, and from which came the timbers for the Temple.

In Answer to a Criticism

To the Editor.

Some Objections Answered

It is merely a quibble to object that Mrs.

The Reasonableness of It

The position that Science and Health holds in relation to the Bible is that of a commentary, and from the number of commentaries that have been compiled, one must admit that there was a need of helps to the better understanding of the Scriptures.

Sickness not Imaginary

Concerning the statement that "there is no disease," attributed to Christian Scientists, permit me to say that these words cannot be properly understood without some accompanying explanation.

How Wood Pulp is Transformed into Newspapers

Let us consider how newspaper is made in one of the great mills of the Adirondack Mountains, where the giant machines, rattling on, day after day, never stopping, are scarcely able to supply the demand of a single New York newspaper.

The Lectures

Judge Septimus J.


Applications for membership with the Mother Church to be acted upon November, 1902, must be in the hands of the Clerk on or before October 18, 1902.
The author of the Christian Science text-book takes no patients, does not consult on disease, nor read letters referring to these subjects.
A special Lesson Sermon for the Thanksgiving Day service to be held in the Mother Church and the Branch Churches is being prepared, and will be published in due time.
The announcement that the anthracite coal strike has practically been settled is cause for general thanksgiving, and the fact that it will be settled without final resort to brute force or starvation is something upon which the operators and miners on one hand, and the general public on the other are to be congratulated.

Unto Whomsoever Much is Given

It is said of a late Englishman, that while a man of unusual breadth of learning, even among England's legions of the erudite, he was strikingly unlike most scholarly men in what may be termed the wasteful hoarding of his knowledge, a lifelong habit of reserve in expression having made him a somewhat remarkable example of the "reticence of learning.

A Word to the Children

When Jesus gathered the little ones into his loving embrace and said to the grown folk round about him: "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God;" and added: "Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein;" did he mean you?

In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our...

In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our economic problems, one of our contemporaries has recently and well said that : —
In commenting upon the ethical value of Biblical stories like that of Abraham's offering of Isaac, the editor of The Outlook has recently referred to the potency of the.

Our Church Edifices

A friend recently said to us: "It seems to me you would be more closely following Jesus, whom you profess to emulate, if you would go into the slums with your work, feeding the hungry and rescuing the perishing, instead of erecting magnificent and costly temples of worship throughout the country.

The Arch-Enemy, Discouragement

We are all quite familiar with the old story of the devils and the just man.

The Boy in Christian Science

A boy! What does the term suggest?

The Only Way

What a help is even a little understanding of the Truth to a man in business; how it does calm and encourage and inspire confidence! The knowing that he is really spiritual and that there is no reality apart from Spirit and its reflection, actually makes a new man of him.

Among the Churches

September 10, the Christian Science society of Easton was dissolved and reorganized as a church to be known as First Church of Christ, Scientist, being a branch of the Mother Church in Boston, Mass.
Testimony of Healing
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Testimony of Healing
I had for years been groping in seeming darkness and despair, mortal mind constantly telling me that I was broken down in health, overwhelmed with trials, troubles, and difficulties, till the burdens laid upon me seemed greater than I could bear.
Testimony of Healing
I am a beneficiary of Christian Science in a great measure.
Testimony of Healing
I wish to mention a healing of the morphine habit of nine years' standing, which was accomplished in four days' treatment, and another of snuff-taking of long standing, which was healed, also a case of consumption which the doctor had operated on, taking a part of one of the ribs out in order to draw off the pus which he said had collected; finally he decided the patient must die, but said if she would use cod-liver oil she might live a year.
Testimony of Healing
Six years ago while my husband and I were in a neighboring city with friends, I was told of a man who had been cured of consumption by reading a book.
Testimony of Healing
By occupation I am a blacksmith, and two and a half years ago I was about driven from the shop by hammer rheumatism in my elbow.
Testimony of Healing
My husband and I are deaf-mutes.

Religious Items

God has always provided means for bringing souls into His presence with joy.
Christian Science: The Religion of Jesus Christ.

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