In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our...

In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our economic problems, one of our contemporaries has recently and well said that : —

"No legislative enactments and no Constitutional amendments can effect a radical remedy of the conditions which imperil the welfare of the American people, if not the perpetuity of American institutions. Statesmen may well give themselves to the consideration of legal and constitutional measures, and merchants, manufactures, captains of industry, labor leaders, and professors of economics, to industrial and sociological measures; but immeasurably more important than either is the cultivation of a simplicity of life, a just measure of the value of material wealth, a temperance in desire, a spirit of fraternal good-will, a regard for public welfare, and a mutual respect of all men for one another, and of mutual regard for one another's rights and interests; for these ethical elements of character are absolutely essential to the preservation of a democratic state, as they are to the well-being of any community, whatever its political organization."

This is exceedingly good counsel so far as it goes, but it lacks effective suggestion. There is a world-wide difference between the consciousness which expresses the moral judgment, and exerts the moral influence referred to, and that positive realization of Truth which is Christlike and inherently forceful and corrective.

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October 16, 1902

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