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Sickness not Imaginary
Middleport (N. Y.) Herald
Concerning the statement that "there is no disease," attributed to Christian Scientists, permit me to say that these words cannot be properly understood without some accompanying explanation. Disease is variously described in Christian Science as an illusion or mistake, having just as much reality and existence as illusions and mistakes can be made to have, but no more. It will be generally conceded that when an illusion is recognized as such, it ceases to have even the reality it was supposed to have. When Christian Scientists say "there is no disease," they have in mind the necessary understanding that God is infinite Good, and that man, made in His image and likeness, reflects this infinite Good.
It is a pleasure to read the words in your columns, full of common sense, which point out how ailments are aggravated by "brooding over them." It is likewise true that the Christian Scientist should never complain, though most of us are mere beginners in this glorious faith which contains such splendid possibilities, and we are apt to fall sadly short of our whole duty in practical demonstration. I am informed that Christian Science has some blessed results to record in the neighborhood of Lockport and Middleport, and it must be reckoned rather to its credit than otherwise that the occasional failures of Christian Scientists are published as special news, while the failures of other systems of therapeutics fill long obituary columns without calling forth comment.
The future is full of promise for true Christianity. Christian Scientists look for the time when Christians of all denominations shall be united and "of one mind" in their determination to heal the sick by the same spiritual means as sinners are now being reformed. In that day we shall truly recognize that all sin has been effectually and finally pardoned, and, as the Scriptures inform us, "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
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October 16, 1902 issue
View Issue-
In Answer to a Criticism
Alfred Farlow
Some Objections Answered
Wm. Holman Jennings
The Reasonableness of It
John E. Playter
Sickness not Imaginary
W. D. McCrackan
How Wood Pulp is Transformed into Newspapers
with contributions from Whittier
The Lectures
with contributions from Edward A. Kimball, Edes Smith, Anon
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
Thanksgiving Day Service
Unto Whomsoever Much is Given
Unto Whomsoever Much is Given
A Word to the Children
A Word to the Children
In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our...
In speaking of the efforts being made to settle our...
Our Church Edifices
The Arch-Enemy, Discouragement
The Boy in Christian Science
The Only Way
G. E. S.
Among the Churches
with contributions from Miriam C. Blackwell, Julia J. Ricker, Clara Willson Thompson, Elizabeth T. E. Stuyvesant, S. F. S., H. E. W.
I had for years been groping in seeming darkness and...
Electa Anderson
I wish to mention a healing of the morphine habit of...
E. Kate Howell
My husband and I are deaf-mutes
J. P. K.
Religious Items
with contributions from David Starr Jordan, Phillips Brooks, George E. Littlefield, Faber