Among the Churches

Some thirteen years ago, through cases of healing, the seed of Truth, as revealed through the teachings of Christian Science, was sown in Dallas. Those who heard the call of the Master stood alone, pitted against the conservatism of the South. Gradually others went to work in the same vineyard, and finally, in 1895, a church was founded. The history of the following years need not be repeated,—the long tramp up the mountain side that led to the present demonstration. Having scaled a summit, one prefers to look away across the peaks to a brighter clime, rather than turn the gaze back over the dusty way that has been traversed, the thorn path that has been trodden. The story is ever the same. However bravely the march may be begun, sometimes the most eager feet miss the way, and even the truest hearts seem not to catch the answer to the appeal, "Shepherd, show me how to go." But we have the sweet assurance in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, p. 307, that "The desire which goes forth hungering after righteousness is blessed of our Father, and does not return unto us void." Order is heaven's first law, we are told, and it never fails of fulfilment. Hearts here have gone forth hungering indeed after righteousness, and this has wrought the demonstration of the law of heaven—harmony.

The Christian Scientists of Dallas are trying to realize the significance of that holy meeting of the Apostles in an upper chamber where they were all of one Mind. They are striving to emulate the example of the band of Joshua which marched around the walls of Jericho and shouted together. Under one banner they are now determined to march dauntlessly on until the great high goal is reached.

The charter of the new church was granted by the state of Texas April 12, 1900, and was signed by twenty-nine members of the Mother Church as Founders. Under the name of Dallas First Church of Christ, Scientist, they occupy their church edifice at 208 S. Ervay Street, where the customary services are held, with an attendance of from seventy-five to one hundred. There is a reading room in connection with the church where all the works of the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, and all the other authorized Christian Science literature, are for sale. There has been sold in years past almost fifteen hundred dollars worth of Christian Science literature. With this seed long sown, the harvest is now ready for the reapers, who, being upwards of one hundred, with freshly sharpened sickles, should bring abundant sheaves into the storehouse. Generalled under the banner of Unity, the Christian Scientists of Dallas, with one voice declare allegiance to the Cause, their dear Leader,—the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy,—the Mother Church, and the Publishing Society. Fully mindful of the necessity for having God-ordained leaders, we look to these as the beacon lights to guide us into the harbor of Christian Science.—E. D. W., Clerk.

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Christian Science Again
May 24, 1900

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