A Speedy Recovery

I desire to tell of a demonstration I had several years ago, over a broken ankle. A few of us met in town Thursday afternoon and read Science and Health for an hour. At one of those readings, the last paragraph on page 421 impressed me so forcibly that I was continually thinking of what it meant. Soon after I arrived at home (a distance of nine miles) my two little boys came in, the smaller one crying, saying his horse had fallen on him. His ankle was bleeding. Instantly and silently I declared, "In Truth there are no accidents." The fears of those present were soon destroyed, and the child stopped crying; and although he limped for several days he was able to be up and play every day. Sunday morning I noticed his ankle was crooked. I took him up and could plainly feel the ridge around the fracture where it was broken. In two weeks it was perfectly healed and no one could tell which ankle was broken.—C. H. Barnes, Fruita, Col.

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Testimony of Healing
A Little Girl's Testimony
May 24, 1900

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