Bright's Disease and Sciatic Rheumatism Healed

My health had been failing for several years. My family physician told me that I had better go to the mountains, and gave it as his opinion that my health would be restored. I came to the Black Hills in the spring of 1877, but instead of improving I grew worse. The doctors here said I could not live in this country, and sent me back to my old home in St. Joseph, Mo. I remained there four months and then returned to the Hills some better but not well.

During my illness my physician told me I must get liquor and take it regularly three times a day before meals. I was then a slave to medicine and tobacco, and here was a prospect of contracting the liquor habit, which was worse, if possible, than the other two; for it dethrones reason and robs man of his self-respect. But still I must take it, for the doctor said so. So I commenced taking it, and continued for several years, and acquired a desire for it. Had it not been for Christian Science, I should more than likely have become a regular slave to the liquor habit.

Wherever I went my pills, powders and plasters, whiskey, cigars and tobacco were sure to accompany me. But still no improvement. I was again told by the doctors that I could not live in this country, and the sooner I left it the better. I had almost despaired of ever having my health again.

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Testimony of Healing
Healed by Reading Science and Health
September 7, 1899

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