News of Healing


The healings we publish are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over a century.

The most recently-published testimonies are at the top.

December 21, 1957
Eugene F. Corbin
December 21, 1957
Florence Hotchkin
December 21, 1957
Marion Jessie Garden
December 21, 1957
Joan B. Harris
December 21, 1957
Della Richards
December 21, 1957
C. Edward Langton with contributions from Jennifer Sounes
December 14, 1957
Alice L. Oberg
December 14, 1957
Edgar Willis
December 14, 1957
Helena B. Metzger
December 14, 1957
Iris Davies