Sentinel Radio Edition
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October 19, 1991
Guests: Orlando Trentini, Eric Austin, Eunice Nwosu, Elizabeth Diffa, Tom Tarrea
October 12, 1991
Guests: Bob Gates, Jean Dollins, Cali Mcclure, Keith Stark
October 5, 1991
Guests: Rev. Alice Lane, Michael Seek, Christina Lervy, Keyo Yata
September 28, 1991
Guests: Jaycee Head, Jack Thornton, Daniella Mooter, Keith Wommack, Russ Gerber
September 21, 1991
Guests: Pedro Griaco, Julie Pabst, Erica Rome
September 7, 1991
Guests: Nira Kapoor, Elaine Follis, Shirley Allard
August 31, 1991
Guests: Brian Pennix, Bobbie Norris, William Messner
August 24, 1991
Guests: Tyler Jenks, William Messner, Miley Kriel, Pheri Aktubo
August 17, 1991
Guests: Hilary Mccreary, Howard Wheatley, Marie-Claude Dayon, Toye Olawuwo
August 10, 1991
Guests: Michael Pabst, Jer Master, David Reed, Karen Walsh Bayless
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