Looking for work? Polish your spiritual résumé

Rob Gilbert, C.S.B.

In his introductory comments to this wide-ranging chat, Rob says that from his life experience, he’s learned, “Whenever we include others in the good that we know comes from God, the more we find ourselves included in more good.” In addition, “The more we employ the ideas that come from God and apply them to the challenges going on around us, the more we find ourselves employed in new directions that give us the chance to explore this spiritual reality.”

Rob responds with ideas and examples to questions about how prayer can lead someone to the right job, what to do when a job search seems to be taking a long time, how not to be overcome by news reports about continuing job losses. He replies to stay-at-home moms who now need to enter the workforce and employers who are struggling over having to lay people off. He offers spiritual guidance and reassurance to people who are feeling panic because they don’t have jobs.

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