Feeling scared? God is there.

Oh, the fun of going on a family vacation, with scuba diving as the main event! I had never been scuba diving, but it sounded great—seeing lots of colorful fish and corals in the peace of the water’s depths. Pictures of and videos about scuba diving made it look easy. I trained in a pool for a couple of days, then went out for a real dive. 

The dive master promised to stay with me the entire time, but soon he had to go help another diver. Suddenly I was alone—uncertain and just plain scared to be so deep in the water.

Having grown up attending Christian Science Sunday School, I found it natural to turn to God for help. Over the years, I had memorized several Bible verses and hymns that meant a lot to me. I had also learned that angels are thoughts that come to us from God to help us feel God’s loving guidance and protection in any situation. So I wholeheartedly turned to God and listened for angels.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

TeenConnect: Your Healings
Trusting God with track season
TeenConnect: Your Healings
What comes next?
TeenConnect: Your Healings
What’s my motive?
TeenConnect: Your Healings
My healing was complete
TeenConnect: Your Healings
When I trusted God, I was healed
TeenConnect: Your Healings
I found joy again
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Riding without fear
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Alone in the woods
TeenConnect: Your Healings
When a man approached me at the mall
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Healing on a very hot day
TeenConnect: Your Healings
A week full of healing
TeenConnect: Your Healings
God’s guidance during my travels
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Healing on the day of a big exam
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Learning that I want to forgive
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Healed of anorexia
TeenConnect: Your Healings
How would I pass the diving test?
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Practicing Christian Science saved my life
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Trusting God, even with the little things
TeenConnect: Your Healings
Learning what really motivates me

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