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Chest pains overcome
This past spring my wife and I had driven to a wetlands area to walk for about two miles, watching and photographing birds. Shortly after leaving the car, I was seized with pain in my chest and back. I became nauseated, and I felt as though I would lose consciousness.
The thought persisted that I should tell my wife I was having problems. But very clearly another thought came, “Why tell someone a lie about yourself?” I silently declared that what I was experiencing was not true about God’s man, which I knew to be my spiritual identity, as we learn in Christian Science. Specifically, “Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind. . . . The divine Mind that made man maintains His own image and likeness. . . . All that really exists is the divine Mind and its idea, and in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 151).
Based on those truths, I reasoned that no function of my body could be controlled by matter. Because I was totally under God’s government, every organ and activity in my body must be harmonious, pure, and perfect, and not subject to any discord evidenced by the material senses.
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July 23, 2012 &
July 30, 2012
double issue
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Steven Price, Blanche Saul, Candace Gibson
Rejoicing together
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
Borderless community
Walter Rodgers
How big is good?
Nancy Mullen
A rising tide lifts all boats
Jeff Ward-Bailey
My first interfaith experience
Bonnie Mitchinson
Embracing communities worldwide
Kim Shippey, Senior Staff Editor
Climate change: What I could do
Elizabeth Graser-Lindsey
Delight in international giving
Peter Dry
Praying for a school community
Suzanne Smedley
The grizzly bear delusion
Glenn Williams
Brian Kissock
Unlimited resources
Heather Howland Kany
Planted in a new path
Dorothy H. Thomson
Love's leading
Tad Blake-Weber
Seeking the way
Linda Gridley Lane
The answer
Barbara Whitewater
Charlotte Bushnell
Marjorie and the Dream
Phyllis W. Zeno
Focused thought
Richard Albins
God made you perfect
Megan Meehan
What are you going to be when you grow up?
Leide Lessa
Sign me up!
Bob Minnocci
I shared with my professor
Bruce Matouka
Your questions about church
Answers offered by Tim Myers and Michelle Nanouche
'A spiritual model of life'
William Otieno
The 'more excellent way'
Christa Kreutz
Finding our God-given freedom
Ann Edwards
A healing standard
Mark Sappenfield
A summer of 'radical acts'
Jeff Ward-Bailey
Lots of Laughs
Madora Kibbe
Protected during a fall
Norma P. Cooper with contributions from Elizabeth Gibbons
Chest pains overcome
B. James Jokerst
Spinal meningitis healed
Charles O'Gorman
Spine fracture healed
Brooks Rakos
What makes you who you are?
The Editors