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World leaders are ‘rays of light,’ too!
While praying about world problems, I realized that I was seeing two world leaders, whose behavior always seems deplorable, as bad. I found myself picturing them as little children ranting and raving, pushing and pouting. Worse, I had developed the attitude that everyone living in those countries was also “bad.” This thinking had to be changed.
So I asked myself how I handled this behavior when my children were growing up. In our family what’s often referred to as the “terrible twos” stage was transformed into the “terrific twos” by our understanding that being 24 months old does not necessitate going through a stage of misbehavior. There are no stages in God who is All—complete, mature, whole, balanced—and each of us is God’s expression.
During their teenage years I had to accept that our children would not be “little” all their lives, and to see them as God sees them—spiritual, complete, mature, and balanced. After diligent prayer about this, I found that our relationships were respectful and joyful. Using these previous lessons, I’m finding a different way of thinking about those two countries and their rulers.
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October 31, 2011 issue
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Gordon Myers, Martha Doss, Richard C. Albins
Pick the good side
Jenny Nelles, Staff Editor
Ruins of ancient city unearthed on West Bank
Matti Friedman
Bridging the river of ‘otherness’
By Jeremy Carper
Prayer for government
Thomas Mitchinson
Our path to true democracy
By Alessandra P. Colombini
My primary choice
Judy Hedrick
World leaders are ‘rays of light,’ too!
Pat Sanders
Quit counting!
By Blythe Evans
Finding Love
Alison Dawson
A good race
By Robin Marquand
Don’t believe the ghost stories
By Lin Paporello
‘I will make you fruitful’
By Andrew Wilson
Repairing their nets
Steve Ryf
No room for comparisons
By Kate Robertson
Radical disciples
Kim Shippey, Senior Editor
‘Thy will be done’ government
Rosalie E. Dunbar, Senior Editor
An in-depth examination of early Genesis
By Michael Hamilton
Significant healing in high school
Sandy Jump
Healed during church service
Sylvia Herczeg
Symptoms of paralysis healed
Helga Janesch
Healed of smoking addiction
Barbara Benton
Plugged in to Spirit
The Editors