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Significant healing in high school
When I was a senior in high school, I woke up one morning feeling very ill. There was a story on the front page of our local newspaper about strep throat circulating in our community and affecting many people. I felt I was having all the symptoms mentioned in the article.
I called a Christian Science practitioner to help me with my prayers. She pointed me to the description of man in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which includes this passage: “Man is not matter; he is not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements” (p. 475). In thinking about these ideas, I substituted myself for man and prayed to know that “I am not matter; I am not made up of brain, blood, bones, and other material elements.” This focused my thoughts away from my body, and helped me to identify myself spiritually. I began to see more clearly that what I was feeling wasn’t really a part of me.
Still, several days later, I was not much better. The practitioner came out to see me, and during her visit I found myself sharing how I was trying to be more popular in school and with my friends. I thought I would be considered cool if I acted rebelliously by lying to my parents instead of being obedient to the rules they’d set and doing what they expected of me. We talked about how I was God’s idea, and that I fully expressed Him. So I didn’t need to break rules to feel independent or gain acceptance. Using the names for God given in Science and Health would give me the true basis for my identity. I reflected Truth, so I could only be honest. I reflected Spirit, so I could only express health. I reflected Love, so I was always loving and obedient.
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October 31, 2011 issue
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Gordon Myers, Martha Doss, Richard C. Albins
Pick the good side
Jenny Nelles, Staff Editor
Ruins of ancient city unearthed on West Bank
Matti Friedman
Bridging the river of ‘otherness’
By Jeremy Carper
Prayer for government
Thomas Mitchinson
Our path to true democracy
By Alessandra P. Colombini
My primary choice
Judy Hedrick
World leaders are ‘rays of light,’ too!
Pat Sanders
Quit counting!
By Blythe Evans
Finding Love
Alison Dawson
A good race
By Robin Marquand
Don’t believe the ghost stories
By Lin Paporello
‘I will make you fruitful’
By Andrew Wilson
Repairing their nets
Steve Ryf
No room for comparisons
By Kate Robertson
Radical disciples
Kim Shippey, Senior Editor
‘Thy will be done’ government
Rosalie E. Dunbar, Senior Editor
An in-depth examination of early Genesis
By Michael Hamilton
Significant healing in high school
Sandy Jump
Healed during church service
Sylvia Herczeg
Symptoms of paralysis healed
Helga Janesch
Healed of smoking addiction
Barbara Benton
Plugged in to Spirit
The Editors