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The taunts just went right by them
Two friends talk about their response to a racial incident.
On A Warm summer evening in Waltham, Massachusetts, Jim Brown and Dave Hohle walked out of a table tennis club toward their parked cars. A car full of kids squealed past and shouted racist statements at them. The men proceeded to their cars without further incident, shook hands, and said goodnight. Now, almost ten years later, the two men discuss the incident.
Dave Hohle: Thinking back on that evening, I just remember that all of a sudden we had these tires squealing and these people yelling at us. I was trying to figure out what it was about. And then, as I remember it, I realized they were actually yelling at you. I looked at you, and it was almost like—there was almost no reaction, no fear, no hate. No response, no negative response.
Jim Brown:
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June 18, 2001 issue
View Issue-
It's never too late to unlearn racism
Mary Trammell
with contributions from Bob Hagen, Susan L. Ledbetter, Donna Read
The taunts just went right by them
with contributions from Dave Hohle, Jim Brown
Racial activism slightly ahead of its time
By Ethel Baker
Who's the enemy?
By Barbara Ahlberg
Winning the battle against discrimination
with contributions from Mari Bruck
Juneteenth: a celebration of freedom
Sentinel staff
Successfully challenging age discrimination
By Elise Moore
Hone in on a healing
By Barbara DeNisi
Are you being bullied?
By Julia Schechtman Pabst
Julia Pabst
When God changed my prayer ...
By Holly Hand
Discrimination overcome
D. R. Simms
God always knows where we are
Célia A. Morilhas Veiga
Quick healing of a longtime problem
Elizabeth Jensen
Prayer at summer camp
Carly Heyward
Prayer at home, prayer away from home
David G. Shields
Nothing is beyond God's power
Susan Slaughter
Thought by thought
Cyril Rakhmanoff