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Recently two things came into my life which helped immeasurably to dispel the cloud of depression I was in following the passing of my husband. The first one was the Sentinel article "When God lets down His ladder" by Judith Hardy Olson (January 15). The second was the CD "Choose God." Its happy lilting music could revive anyone.
Rosanna Browne
Toms River, New Jersey
Thank you for the powerful focus on energy in your January 22, 2001,issue. We live in a passive solar adobe home designed to take full advantage of the winter sun and to shield from the summer sun. Our house was one of six case studies included in Buildings for a Sustainable America published by The American Solar Energy Society. This winter is unusually cold, yet we have opened the windows on sunny days when the house got too warm. Our experience illustrates a definition found in Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy: "Sun. The symbol of Soul governing man,—of Truth, Life, and Love" (p.595). The symbol and the power are available to everyone.
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March 12, 2001 issue
View Issue-
Peacekeeping—choice by choice
Mary Trammell
with contributions from Rosanna Browne, Kent and Karen James, Bruce Evan Woods-Jack, Richard Stametz
items of interest
with contributions from John David Ebert, Gregory A. Rixon, Pat Fosarelli, Melvin McCleod
Beyond oil, sand, and politics
Alexis Deacon with contributions from Thomas Louchheim
'I am a Palestinian'
By Michael Seek
Gabriel Okara
Operation 'New Hope'
By Leonel Milone
Take a look at what you're doing
By Kurt Lancaster
In case of monster, turn on the light!
By Glynis Burgdorff
Typhus healed
Maria Cristina von Moltke
'Choose life'
Ann Brown with contributions from Victoria Fitzpatrick
Coming back home
Arlette Schar
How two dads prayed for the ski team
By Rev. Tim Rauk and Bruce Richardson
What works at work
Russ Gerber