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Translated from Portuguese
Freedom from back pain
I was spending a few days at my son's house, when I began feeling a lot of pain in my back around the kidney area. After three days in this situation, my granddaughter and her husband, who are Christian Scientists, came to pick me up to take me back home. Moving around was difficult, and getting into the car was a problem.
During the entire trip home, about 40 kilometers, the three of us sang hymns from the Christian Science Hymnal, prayed, and talked about "the scientific statement of being." It begins: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all" (Science and Health, p. 468). This made me feel close to God.
By the time I got home, I was completely healed. I walked up the two flights of stairs to my third-floor apartment without any pain. This happened two years ago, and the pain never returned.
I am well advanced in years, and marveled at this quick and complete healing. I am very grateful for Christian Science.
Nair da Silveira Bravo
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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December 18, 2000 issue
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To Our Readers
Bill Dawley
with contributions from Georgia Dearborn, Lorelei de la Reza, Jean G. Heermance, Jane Vaughan
items of interest
with contributions from Lauren F. Winner, Abbas J. Ali, Robert C. Camp, Manton Gibbs, Russell Stannard
MIDEAST PEACE: a reporter's view
with contributions from Cameron Barr
I needed to go into Gaza
Martha Roadstrum Moffett
But they're not like me!
David Shields
Trade 'what if' for 'what is'
Diana Davis-Butler
Home alone for the holidays?
Robert A. Johnson
Can I handle all these changes?
Judith Ryan
Dear Sentinel
Erin Swinney
Diabetes cured
William Lowe
Rapid healing of burns
Josephine N. Doyle
No more depression
Karen M. Tobias
Suffering stopped
Lois Marquardt
A quick healing
William Spencer Keel with contributions from Hallie Keel
Freedom from back pain
Nair da Silveira Bravo
The controlling factor
Ellen Thompson
Higher ideals, better lives, a new world
Russ Gerber