for kids

Dear Sentinel

Last summer I was in a horse show. It lasted for two days. I did very well the first day, and that night I was really excited about the second day. But the next morning my stomach hurt a lot. All I could do was lie on the couch, feeling grumpy and frustrated. I thought I wouldn't be able to ride that morning.

My mom was comforting me and telling me that God is good and that He is always right with me, so everything around me is good, too. But I was so angry that I couldn't hear the good things she was telling me.

Mom asked me to be more quiet and listen to God. I decided to try. The first thought that came to me was, "Peace, be still, and know that I am God." (That's a combination of two verses from the Bible—Mark 4:39 and Ps. 46:10). I felt happy to know that God was there with me, so I kept praying and listening.

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Testimony of Healing
Diabetes cured
December 18, 2000

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