At one time my foot became badly infected

At one time my foot became badly infected. In praying about the condition, I found this verse from Revelation very helpful: "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie" (21:27). This made me realize that my identity could not be invaded by a lie called infection. I am a spiritual idea—God's likeness. I am not material. God is the only power, therefore pain and infection have no power.

When the inflammation began extending up my leg, however, I became fearful. At that point I asked a Christian Science practitioner to treat me through prayer. The practitioner encouraged me to turn my thought away from the alarming material picture and to remember that my true identity as the reflection of God is spiritual, perfect, harmonious, and free from pain.

The next day the practitioner came out to the farm to visit me. She explained that my perfection is unvariable and pointed out this statement in Science and Health: "A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive" (p. 463). This was a wonderful help in stopping me from constantly checking on the condition of the foot, and kept my thought focused on my spiritual perfection and freedom.

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January 13, 1997

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