I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude for Christian Science

I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude for Christian Science. About two years ago, I woke very early in the morning with intense pain in my lower back. I felt nauseated and made my way to the bathroom, where I stayed for much of the morning and part of the afternoon, leaving only to call a Christian Science practitioner. Even at that early hour the practitioner responded with love and the assurance that she would begin praying for me at once. After about thirty minutes my daughter was called to come be with me. My daughter came quickly, as did a close friend who is a Christian Scientist.

After several hours I found myself thinking, "You have to do something to stop this." Then immediately came the angel thought, "You don't need anything but God."

Normal kidney functioning had ceased; I was still in pain and unable to lie down. Earnest prayer was continued. Finally, in the afternoon, I was able to sleep peacefully. When I woke about two hours later, I was totally free from pain. At that time the bodily function resumed, and I was perfectly normal. I dressed, went to the kitchen, and prepared something for us to eat. There has been no recurrence of this difficulty.

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August 15, 1988

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