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Spirituality—a source of strength and protection
It was encouraging to pick up the January 1988 issue of the magazine for American families Better Homes and Gardens and read on the front cover, "Spirituality: A New Source of Strength for Today's Families." Last September this magazine included a questionnaire for its readers, entitled "Are American Families Finding New Strength in Spirituality?" To the astonishment of that publication's editors, eighty thousand readers took the trouble to answer the questionnaire.
Almost all who answered the questionnaire indicated that religion or spirituality had a meaningful effect on their lives. Ninety-six percent said they believed in God. Seventy-five percent said they attended religious services once or twice a week. Topping the list of reasons for their involvement in religious/spiritual matters was "For moral guidance and strength."
One young wife and mother wrote, "I find it interesting that religion seems to be becoming more important in the lives of many of my friends and associates, particularly after they have started families." Kate Greer, "Are American Families Finding New Strength in Spirituality?" Better Homes and Gardens, January 1988, p. 16 . We can all take encouragement from the fact that many families around the world are finding God's relevance and actuality in their lives today.
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May 9, 1988 issue
View Issue-
Loving the challenge
Gwendolyn Joy Reges
Teachable you
Beverly Jean McCreary
Putting things under God's care
Elizabeth Skinner Draskovich
The Lesson-Sermons: waymarks to Truth
Anetta G. Schneider
"Shew me a token for good"
Loretta King
"How can I cope?" It may be the wrong question
Allison W. Phinney, Jr.
Right where you are
Mary J. Steele
Spirituality—a source of strength and protection
Ann Kenrick
In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy...
Elona Pecaut Leavens with contributions from J. Link Leavens
One Wednesday evening, after attending my branch church's...
Nancy Barrett Schlegel with contributions from Fred Schlegel
At one time I struggled with a recurring stomach problem
Margaret Welch
From hand to hand
The Editors with contributions from C. W. A.