While cleaning the drawer of my desk, I was bewildered to...

While cleaning the drawer of my desk, I was bewildered to have my right arm become useless, then my complete right side. At that moment the telephone rang. It was a dear friend from my branch church; but when I started to talk, my words were slurred, so I ended the conversation abruptly.

Startled by what was happening, I prayed immediately to understand that God is my Life, that God governs me, and that I reflect God's government. Use of my right side returned, and my voice cleared. I called my friend back and explained briefly why I had ended the conversation so abruptly. From her years of devotion to Christian Science, she made some helpful remarks. All seemed well, and I gratefully gave thanks.

The next morning a friend was taking me on an errand when there was a return of the symptoms I had had the previous evening. I asked my friend to take me back home. When we returned to my apartment building, I was unable to step from the car. I asked her to call a Christian Science practitioner whose office was only a few blocks from us.

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Testimony of Healing
Our family has enjoyed many healings and joyful experiences...
December 14, 1987

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