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No scars in spiritual reality
If Spirit defines reality, then healing is always at hand, always possible.
Several years ago a college student of nuclear physics visited the class I was then teaching in a Christian Science Sunday School. He was not a Christian Scientist, but he was interested in its teachings, especially "the scientific statement of being." See Science and Health, p. 468. He seemed to feel that there were remarkable parallels between what Christian Science says about matter and what particle physicists were discovering about the nature of "reality."
Given the growing recognition by physicists of the role of the human mind in defining and even creating this "reality," it was perfectly understandable for him to be intrigued by Mrs. Eddy's declaration, which points to the divine Mind, not the human mind, as the cause of all that is actually real and substantial. Mrs. Eddy, a spiritual thinker far in advance of her time, gives this statement of what constitutes genuine reality that shakes the foundations of all matter-based systems. She writes in Science and Health: "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual." Ibid.
This statement, which so completely rejects a material basis for reality, might at first glance seem abstract and theoretical. But in fact, when spiritually understood, the truths it conveys are highly practical. And if we need evidence that this is so, we need only turn to Christ Jesus' example for inspiration. He proved the absolute allness of God, or Mind, and the infinite nature of spiritual reality. He did this by healing the sick, calming storms at sea, and raising the dead to life. In order to emulate him it would seem wise to study earnestly just what it was that Jesus knew and how he performed his healing work.
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October 12, 1987 issue
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Finding somebody— or finding happiness?
Marcella Saxe
Persistent fountain
Margaret Singleton Decker
Discovering more of your true nature
Maynard Sundt
Heaven's home
Susan Dane Gilboy
Second Thought
Liz Hodgkinson
No scars in spiritual reality
Arthur T. Morey
Something to help with your health
Allison W. Phinney, Jr.
The secret place of prayer
Ann Kenrick
Living forever
Jeffrey Lacy Plum
Elise's prayer
Elise Rindfleisch
As a child I loved reading the Christian Science periodicals
Janet B. Worth with contributions from Rowlett B. Worth
I would like to say how very grateful I am for Christian Science
James R. Kelley with contributions from Janet Kelley