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[Original in Spanish]
The impatient investigator is always on the watch to know the...
The impatient investigator is always on the watch to know the why and wherefore of everything that is an enigma to him. However, he might sometimes learn from the patient farmer, who doesn't bother to understand just what a seed is made of. He's interested in knowing what kind of plant will grow from it. And, if the plant is a good one, he will go to any length to obtain the same seed for his planting.
Christian Science, discovered and founded by our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, offers good seed to whoever wants a good harvest. It explains divine laws, which, when accepted and obeyed, give us spiritual fruits. Christ Jesus said (Matt. 7:20), "By their fruits ye shall know them." Mrs. Eddy writes (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 459), "The tree must be good, which produces good fruit."
Christian Science broke down my deep-seated convictions about chronic illnesses. I had only begun to obtain spiritual concepts from my reading of Science and Health when I awoke one night with a severe headache. When I couldn't find a tranquilizer, I began to recall what I had read about the harmony of man made in God's image, spiritual and perfect. The pain disappeared immediately and I fell asleep again. The next night a similar healing occurred when I awoke with symptoms of my annual attack of grippe. As I had no medication at hand, I again turned to the spiritual concepts in Science and Health, but with a smile of complete disbelief that a correct understanding of God could have a healing effect on the grippe I knew I had. Despite my doubt in the divine power to heal, I felt immediate beneficial effect. My body stopped perspiring, and, surprised and enthusiastic, I tried to recall everything I had read in the book that was transforming my body and my mind. Even though my struggle against illness continued all night, the next morning I went to work, puzzled but happy as a result of this, to me at that time, strange experience. The extraordinary healings continued to occur each time I needed divine help; it was no longer possible for me to doubt the promising results of turning to God in trust that He could meet my need.
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January 8, 1979 issue
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How much of a terrorist are you?
Direction—complete, not partial
Gloria Clements
An important journey
How far are you willing to go to help?
Good is not chancy
Painless pregnancy
"A prophet's reward"
After the star
Kathryn A. Knox
Where action is
Geoffrey J. Barratt
Are you healed?
Nathan A. Talbot
"It works... it really works"
Marion Byram
Even though I grew up in a family of Christian Scientists...
William G. Hewitt
I have always depended on Christian Science
Helen T. Riesenberg
Out of my gratitude to God and a growing understanding of...
Debra Ann Jones