Are you healed?

Many will answer yes. Through Christian Science treatment depression has lifted. Pain has disappeared. Fear has dissolved. But others who are seeking healing may answer no. Full freedom has not yet come. Are you one of those who have a specific need for healing in their lives but haven't yet been lifted out of the difficulty?

It may well be that deeper spiritual insights are needed. Perhaps a stronger, more consistent and faithful adherence to spiritual truths is called for. Maybe the need is for more thorough moral regeneration—a spiritual transformation of character. But there is another possibility. An important one. You may be healed and haven't yet recognized or accepted the healing.

Sometimes an individual suffers unnecessarily. He suffers because he believes the healing is yet to come, when in fact it has already taken place. He has been so convinced of imprisonment that he doesn't readily admit his own freedom. And in some instances the physical evidence of disease may even seem more pronounced, though the healing has actually been accomplished. A mental chemicalization, or change of thought from a material to a spiritual underpinning, may be under way. This of course is no excuse for the healer to evade the necessary work when a genuine transformation has not yet taken place.

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"It works... it really works"
January 8, 1979

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