At one point I was found to be suffering from spinal deterioration...

At one point I was found to be suffering from spinal deterioration termed incurable. A few days following my discharge from the hospital, a woman stopped me in the lobby of my building and graciously invited me to visit her. I accepted, and from that visit I received two priceless gifts: a copy of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and a more enlightened view of Christian Science.

When I had studied about one hundred pages of Science and Health, even though I comprehended little of it, I suddenly realized that from the day I began to read the textbook I had not been aware of pain in the spinal area. I was healed! To this day, almost a decade later, the healing has remained permanent.

Following my healing I gratefully devoted daily periods to the study of Christian Science. Favorite wines and cocktails and cigarettes lost their attraction for me. A disruptive temper began to lessen its hold.

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Testimony of Healing
At a time when the economic picture may seem black to many...
September 13, 1975

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