Be Your Own Good Friend

If we are going around putting ourselves down, we certainly are not being our own good friend. Neither are we likely to be very happy. But isn't this what many of us do? Aren't we inclined to downgrade our ability, our intelligence, our personal appearance? Self-depreciation, self-condemnation, self-pity, indicate a failure to see the man God made, the only man there is.

It's easy to conceive of ourselves as mortals with material brain-power, contending with material world situations over which we have no control. Through material sense we see ourselves as defective, apt to cease functioning at any moment. But through the truths of Christian Science we learn that all of this is a lie, an illusion of mortal mind. We are not defective physical organisms or personalities; our true being—perfect, whole, complete—is in and of God. Mrs. Eddy writes: "God is the creator of man, and, the divine Principle of man remaining perfect, the divine idea or reflection, man, remains perfect. Man is the expression of God's being." Science and Health, p. 470;

To become our own good friend, we must see ourselves accurately. In reality, we are the manifestation of God, divine Love. We are created complete and harmonious. As the man of God's creating, we are never deprived, depreciated, condemned, or pitied, but we reflect Love's qualities and attributes. We are at the point of perfection, here and now.

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Putting God First
March 22, 1975

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