A New Friend

Every morning Melvin would bound out of bed, dress, and race to the kitchen where all the yummy smells come from. He'd gulp down his breakfast because he could hardly wait another minute to jump on his shiny blue bicycle, zoom down the hill, hop off his bike, wheel it across the busiest street of all when the sign said WALK in big green letters, and race his friends to the bicycle rack at school.

It was such a good feeling to fly down the path and race his friends that he hardly wanted to stop for class; but he did. He always looked forward to the ride home along the lane in the shadow of the huge oak trees, across the busiest street of all, and up the hill to his house.

One afternoon as he was almost at the top of the hill and near his house, he saw Billy coming toward him. Billy was huge, almost twice the size of Melvin, and he always looked mean. He was used to beating up youngsters. He got into all sorts of trouble at school and was always getting sent home. Everyone was afraid of Billy. Just the other day he had hit one of Melvin's best friends and given him a black eye.

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"The Lord gave..."
March 31, 1973

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