What better way to heed the Christ commandsOr follow in the path our Leader trodThan by effective healing, which expandsHumanity's reliance on one God!
The centuries-old beliefs that God creates and sends disease and that material medicine is essential to cure it are today being proved false by the healings of Christian Science.
I wish to express in this testimony my gratitude for divine Love's sustaining power in times of difficulty and for the angel messages that have come to me in answer to prayer—often as if God had spoken to me.
Through the study of Christian Science I have had many demonstrations of the healing power of God and of the marvelous operation of His eternal law of justice.
I am wholeheartedly grateful that I was led to Christian Science and that I have been privileged to receive an understanding of God, which has so surely led and guided me from that time on.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.
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