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Twenty-four years ago, many years before I became interested in...
Twenty-four years ago, many years before I became interested in Christian Science, I was stationed in the Hawaiian Islands as a pilot-navigator with the United States Naval Air Corps. During leisure moments some of my fellow officers and I used to do some spearfishing at Luau Beach in Kaneohe Bay just outside the Air Base. The section of the beach that we used was a very steep one, where the waves were ten to fifteen feet high and there was an extremely severe undertow. We were all strong swimmers, and under normal conditions we found all phases of this sport very thrilling. Getting in and out of this surf took a great deal of skill and daring.
One day while well out beyond the surf with three other men, I was stung by a Portuguese man-of-war. This simple form of life is of the free-swimming hydrozoan type suspended from the surface. Its sting is quite deadly to fish and at least extremely harmful and painful to men. The hanging tentacles brushed my body in many places, and I began to tingle and feel very numb. This sensation increased very rapidly, causing me to feel great fear and weakness. I told the other men, and we decided to tread water toward shore. They formed a triangle around me so they would be near me but still away from danger. At the rate I was losing strength and courage I felt that I would be dead in an hour. I did not have the strength to get through that pounding surf and undertow. No one could help me, as it is a feat difficult for one man to negotiate for himself, let alone help someone else who is partially immobile.
As we approached the surf, by some miracle my fear seemed to ease off, and some of my strength came back, although the physical symptoms remained. My timing was perfect coming through the surf, and the swim to shore ended up being easier than usual. I lay on the sand for a time while the other men questioned and examined me. My arms, neck, and back were covered with lines of poison welts or pockets. The numbness and fear persisted for perhaps twenty minutes, when suddenly all the trouble began to disappear and I knew I was going to revive. When I could walk comfortably, the others suggested that I go to the base hospital for treatment and an examination. As it turned out, not one doctor was on the base at the time. There was therefore no examination or treatment prescribed. I left the hospital and have had no ill effects since that day.
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September 5, 1970 issue
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The Value of Moments
Consider the Source
Barbara Thayer Sibley
Am I Ready?
The Path to Freedom
An Interview: with a Space Scientist
with contributions from Homer E. Newell, Jr.
Unconditional Surrender
Alan A. Aylwin
We Are "sons of God"
Naomi Price
My father and I were riding down the highway one afternoon...
Gail L. Hubbell with contributions from Lillian M. Masonic
It has long been a sincere desire of mine to send a testimony...
Laura E. Kasdorf
Twenty-four years ago, many years before I became interested in...
C. Russell Blomerth with contributions from Melvin R. Thompson
In 1931, my husband and I lost a house through foreclosure of...
Dorothy H. Arend
My hope is that this testimony of my deep gratitude for many...
Anne Reid Kent Cox
RADIO PROGRAM NO. 439 - A Parent's Gift
with contributions from Florence Ludgate, Harlan Witham
Signs of the Times
Walter G. Litke