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What "spiritually minded" Means
Every Christian Scientist should understand the necessity of being spiritually-minded in order to heal sickness and sin. In the Bible we read, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Rom. 8:6; To be carnally-minded is to be physically-minded, that is, to give undue importance to the flesh and to matter.
Mrs. Eddy writes: "Scientific discovery and the inspiration of Truth have taught me that the health and character of man become more or less perfect as his mind-models are more or less spiritual. Because God is Spirit, our thoughts must spiritualize to approach Him, and our methods grow more spiritual to accord with our thoughts." The People's Idea of God, p. 7; Our thoughts become more spiritual as we realize that Spirit is Life and that matter, being temporal and the opposite of Spirit, is not real. Sin, disease, and all evil stem from the false belief that life and intelligence are in matter. Spiritual life only is real; it is the consciousness of health, holiness, immutability, indestructibility, completeness, and security. Life, God, is eternal. Therefore, man, the manifestation of Life, must be immortal.
When one understands the spiritual force which is the law of Life and of health, he is never misled or disturbed by the presentments of sin or disease, for he knows they have no law. They are but illusions of the carnal mind, without power, presence, or reality, because God is the only Mind or intelligence. One is never alarmed over error when he knows what is true.
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January 7, 1967 issue
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"A contrite heart"
What "spiritually minded" Means
Rising Above Routine
Angels Will Do Our Errands
He "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb"
Man Is Never Alone
Choosing a College
How Civilized Are We?
Helen Wood Bauman
Wait for an Answer
Carl J. Welz
I have known and been blessed by Christian Science for over...
Virginia Farish Millett
When my husband and I learned of Christian Science, I was to...
Hedwig Hanisch with contributions from Erich Hanisch
At the age of six I was enrolled by my parents in a Christian Science...
Edward Wilmar Beck
When we make Mrs. Eddy's words come alive through demonstration...
Harriet j. Feldmann
Signs of the Times
William S. Hockman