Housewives, office workers, and many other people sometimes feel that their daily activities are a monotonous round of tedious duties from which they would gladly be freed.
From one point of view we are living in an age that is civilized in that many nations are technically advanced and enjoy a reasonably ordered stage of cultural development.
Hedwig Hanisch
with contributions from Erich Hanisch
When my husband and I learned of Christian Science, I was to human belief at the end of my physical and mental strength and no longer equal to the tasks which life had given me.
At the age of six I was enrolled by my parents in a Christian Science Sunday School, a fact for which F shall never cease to be grateful; and I have been a student of this most satisfying and important Science ever since.
The following periodicals were founded by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and are published by The Christian Science Publishing Society, One Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts, U.
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