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A College Student Writes
Choosing a College
An important step in a young person's life is the choosing of a college. The senior year of high school can often seem a time of strain and worry about one's being accepted by a college, but this situation need never occur if one turns to the divine Mind, infinite Love, for guidance.
Mrs. Eddy says, "Divine Love corrects and governs man." Science and Health, p. 6; To experience this divinely harmonious government, one should humbly set aside all self-will and prejudice and declare, as Jesus did, "Not my will, but thine, be done." Luke 22:42; A recognition of God's ever-present tender control over all aids one in wisely deciding where to apply for college entrance. The Bible states: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."Prov. 3:5, 6;
College board examinations sometimes present the suggestion that one must compete in order to be in his right place. But the Bible states that "we live, and move, and have our being" Acts 17:28; in God, man's ever-present, loving Father. Therefore man, God's image, is always in his right place in God's universe. One learns in Christian Science that man is the perfect reflection of God, Mind. Thus the expression of intelligence, or Mind, by other students taking the examinations can never decrease one's reward for his own manifestation of Mind.
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January 7, 1967 issue
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"A contrite heart"
What "spiritually minded" Means
Rising Above Routine
Angels Will Do Our Errands
He "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb"
Man Is Never Alone
Choosing a College
How Civilized Are We?
Helen Wood Bauman
Wait for an Answer
Carl J. Welz
I have known and been blessed by Christian Science for over...
Virginia Farish Millett
When my husband and I learned of Christian Science, I was to...
Hedwig Hanisch with contributions from Erich Hanisch
At the age of six I was enrolled by my parents in a Christian Science...
Edward Wilmar Beck
When we make Mrs. Eddy's words come alive through demonstration...
Harriet j. Feldmann
Signs of the Times
William S. Hockman