I was introduced to Christian Science when I was fifteen and took...

I was introduced to Christian Science when I was fifteen and took a tour of The Mother Church and of The Christian Science Publishing Society. I became interested in learning more about this religion and started going to Sunday School, where I learned how to study the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly and glimpsed my true selfhood as a spiritual, complete idea of God and learned that error is impersonal.

I soon found that I was able to demonstrate the truths I was learning in my study of the Bible and of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. Through the understanding of spiritual man and the impersonal nature of error which I gained in Sunday School, I was able to heal a broken friendship.

While I was a student in grammar school, I wore glasses. After studying Science for a short time, I found I didn't need them.

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Testimony of Healing
I love the teachings of Christian Science
August 6, 1966

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