[Original in German]

A few years ago I experienced a complete nervous breakdown...

A few years ago I experienced a complete nervous breakdown, together with phlebitis, thrombosis, and embolism, which confined me to bed for five months. I prayed as well as possible in this situation. A Christian Science practitioner was asked to take over my case. She did at once and in the most kindly way. My illness was a terrible dream, and at one time to all appearances I had already passed on; but the practitioner was so inspired by Truth and Love that she did not accept the false appearance and saw only divine, perfect Life expressed through man. She prayed fervently, both silently and audibly. Then her voice reached my ears, as if from an unending distance, and I heard her say, "Repeat after me: God is my Life; I live in God.'" She kept repeating this until I said it after her.

That was the beginning of my healing. Much love, patience, and spiritual work were still required before the healing was finally accomplished. During this testing time my hair had fallen out completely, and I was advised to wear a wig, which I definitely refused to do. I asserted that God is eternal, that creation is ever unfolding, and that my hair would grow back again. The Bible says (Matt. 10:30), "The very hairs of your head are all numbered."

In the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, we read on page 264, "When we learn the way in Christian Science and recognize man's spiritual being, we shall behold and understand God's creation,—all the glories of earth and heaven and man." And on page 470, "God is the creator of man, and, the divine Principle of man remaining perfect, the divine idea or reflection, man, remains perfect."

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The Bible Speaks to You
RADIO PROGRAM NO. 247 - The Promise of Christmas That Cannot Fade
December 31, 1966

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